
silent spring?
last modified: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 (5:04:43 PM)

I'm all for scientific breakthroughs that allow people who have psychological illnesses to live healthy and productive lives, but this is quite unsettling. To put it bluntly, how screwed up is your country/healthcare system/consumer culture if there's so much Prozac in the water that it's killing wildlife?

Incidentally, the title of this blog references the Rachael Carson cautionary environmentalist tale about DDT... but modern science has shown to some extent that DDT isn't nearly as dangerous as first thought.

Side note, these blogs are a pain to edit. I'll try to look at improving this somewhat tonight.
re: silent spring?Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - 6:04:30 PM

Looks like DDT is coming back: Bad news for mosquitoes! ~_^

no DDT pleaseWednesday, September 13, 2006 - 6:53:21 AM

I don''t know about DDT - since they banned it we finally have breeding pairs of Bald Eagles back here in NJ.

re: silent spring?Wednesday, September 13, 2006 - 10:13:50 AM

More info:

re: silent spring?Wednesday, September 13, 2006 - 5:16:45 PM

I suddenly had a vision of people who can''t afford the drugs lining up along these streams to drink the water and get free Prozac! Start worrying when there gets to be so much Viagra in the water that Bambi starts humping you leg. ^_~

re: silent spring?Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - 4:53:10 AM

The whole thing about thin eggshells was attributed to some rather suspect leaps of intuition on the part of Carson and the whole anti-establishment thing of the 70s.

See internet for more information. It''s cheap, effective, and had a great record for safety.