Mysterious Seas

A bizarre chase 0_0
last modified: Sunday, September 21, 2008 (4:46:16 PM)
I wanted to share my recent little bit of game playing in an attempt to sercure a wish list cel. I'm sure we're all familiar with chasing that all important must have cel, but I can't help feeling my actions in aquiring this particular cel were a little, well, odd. I wondered if anyone else here had done something similar, or what you'd have done in my place.

It's really not the big deal I've just made in sound ;-P

But anyway, a sequence mate came up for auction. Not a great cel but really cheap. It wasn't good enough. It's not often that I want a specific frame, but this was one of those times. This is a well known and respected seller and often has multiple cels from the same sequence. They never post more than one at a time and when one sells they'll post another if they have one. When one doesn't sell they stop posting from that sequence even it later turns out that they had better quality cels that would have been more tempting to buyers.

So you can probably guess what I did. I bid on this cel and all subsequent sequence mates posted in the hope that this seller had the frame I wanted and would get round to listing it. All the cels I won were low end and I knew that my wish list would also be a bargin price. I brought cel after cel and YES, I got my wishlist in the end!!! And even taking into account the four sequence mates I now own ^-^ I got it for a fraction of what I value it.

So there's a happy ending *yay!!!* but all the while I was thinking, I must be insane. This is throwing money out of the window and there was never any guaranties.

So what do you think? Should I go back to the assylum now? Or is it no big deal at all? And what would you have done?

Thank you very much for reading my first blog and I don't have the cel to post yet, it'll be in the next Rinkya parcel.
re: A bizarre chase 0_0Sunday, September 21, 2008 - 8:15:24 PM

How about just keeping them and making a gif out of it?

It might be a nifty feature in your gallery.

re: A bizarre chase 0_0Sunday, September 21, 2008 - 9:05:08 PM

I probably would have e-mailed the seller and sent an image of the one that I wanted, and asked if they had it. But I almost like your method better. It makes for a great story and now you can animate part of the sequence! :)

re: A bizarre chase 0_0Sunday, September 21, 2008 - 9:38:41 PM

LOL I have actually done this but in my case each one I have bought I need the second layer too... And I''m planning on buying a third that I know exists somewhere... Don''t worry you got your wishlist in the end, isn''t that all that matters? ^_^

re: A bizarre chase 0_0Tuesday, September 23, 2008 - 5:45:50 PM

Or maybe you can sell the other three and make back your costs? If it''s a really significant scene, you might be able to do this and make 3 other collectors happy. Or do what Vapalla does and offer trades to other collectors who have similar tastes. That way they''re happy and you get 3 more goodies! Congrats on getting "the" frame you wanted!

re: A bizarre chase 0_0Friday, September 26, 2008 - 2:53:25 PM
Princess Nadia

Thank you all for replying! I do feel better now. And I can''t wait to get me hands on that cel :-)
I really like the idea of animating them. I have a background too.
It''s likely that I will sell them one day, cuz I don''t like owning sequence mates incase someone else also wants this sequence. But I''ve been put off selling for a good couple off years thanks to ebay and the recession.

Thanks again all of you, you cheered me up :-)