Holiday Wishes To One and All
last modified: Monday, November 27, 2006 (7:20:13 PM)
As we rapidly approach the gift giving season and the end of the year holidays, I am clearly reminded it is not the things in life that make life so worth living, instead as an adult my lifelong wish is for the precious intangibles such as: world peace, neverending love, and friendship. With these ideals in mind, I want to wish everyone a safe, healthy, and financially sound holiday with their loved ones.
Please remember to take a moment to reflect on how truly blessed we are and to pray for our troops to return safely as well as for those in need.
Lastly, I encourage everyone to watch this video and listen to the song "My Grown Up Chrismas List" and its poignant messages. I actually prefer the Amy Grant version, but I could not find it.
Cheers and thanks for the memories 2006!