
That Time of the Year
last modified: Thursday, May 03, 2007 (9:59:55 PM)
Ugh. It's that time of the year again. It seems like its sister came around not too long ago. That's right--spring semester finals. Save me now.

I'm taking eighteen credit hours this semeseter. It's been one heck of a ride--or drift, rather. I feel like I've been doing nothing but drift through life lately. I really should be a little more worried about graduating next year. Yes, I <em>do</em> think about it from time to time (and when I do think, I panic) but not enough to actually do something about it.

Let's face it--I'm getting an English degree. I need an internship, or I'll never get a job. Right now, I'm thinking about going on to grad school--just because the Real World scares me a bit. I'm leaning towards law school--maybe. As much as I love English, it's just too hard to get a job using an English degree. It's doable, it just takes some major self-marketing skills. I definately am not one to toot my own horn--at least, not directly. I tend to go for subtley pointing others towards my good traits. Unfortunately, getting a job requieres direct tooting.

Anyway, back to my current (and thus more dire) predicament. I've got a final tomorrow. I just took one today. I've got a paper due at noon on Monday, as well as a final in the morning. Plus, two more on Tuesday. Now, I'm taking six classes. So, I actually have a final in each class! Well, in one of the classes, I only have to write a paper, but that's just as bad--perhaps worse.

To top everything off, I just sold some cels on Ebay (post-sale!! Please don't zap me, RS moderators!). So, I've got some shipping to do. One of them was a huuuuge pan cel, so I need to figure out how to ship the darn thing. I imagine there will be a lot of cutting and taping of cardboard. Plus, I had hoped to get a surprise finished for a certain cel collector so that I can finally send her her birthday present, but I never have time to work on it. It's been in the works since December--back when I had not planned for it to be for her birthday. I'm an awful person. >.<

Anyway, I suppose I should start studying for my Spanish final now. Luckily--or not--the professor has given us the questions. So, I just need to answer them tonight so that I will do well on the test tomorrow.

G'night, folks!
re: That Time of the YearThursday, May 03, 2007 - 10:45:19 PM


Aww...I know how you feel! I just had my finals this past Monday. I''m also majoring in English with my emphasis in Creative Writing...and NO I''m NOT going to be a teacher! Err, so many ppl have asked me that! But good luck! Eww...18 credits? I was struggling with only one class this past semester. I feel for you!

Jessica (JMK)

re: That Time of the YearFriday, May 04, 2007 - 10:31:39 AM

Yeah, the teacher thing happens to me every time I tell people my major. ;_; I usually say something like, "Well, that''s one thing I''m considering." It actually is--I try to get my doctorate and be a professor, though. What people don''t realize is that just an English degree will not let you teach English. You would have to get an Education degree (my uni offers an English teaching degree).

I was going to be in the Creative Writing program, but I kind of felt like they screwed me over. So, I stuck with my linguistics emphasis. ^_~ It kind of makes sense, considering how I''m studying two foreign languages right now. I''d like to learn more, but I just don''t have the time.

I have to take at least 12 credits to be considered a full-time student as far as scholarships go, so I figure I might as well take as much as I can. ^_~

Turn that page!Friday, May 04, 2007 - 4:53:06 PM

Oooo! Good luck! Finals week is always exciting and frantic. ^_^

You''ll make it through. And live to laugh about it later, like the rest of us oldtimers. ~_^

Yeah, good luck with your major. I got a Bachellor''s in German, but ended up with a Mrs degree. XD

re: That Time of the YearFriday, May 04, 2007 - 5:12:47 PM

good luck with the studying.

this just made me think of the episode where there studying for the paper exam(or so they think). i can just see you with the tie around your head while studying-notcheating. heh.

re: That Time of the YearFriday, May 04, 2007 - 9:32:56 PM

Phew! Two down, three (plus a paper) to go! I''m so braindead right now. 0.o

Heh, Leah, in order to get my MRS, I''d have to, like, actually talk to people. Boys especially. I''m so incredibly shy. >.<

Yeah, kira, I know exactly which episode you''re talking about. ^_^ Now I need a tie for my head . . . Leo''s would be preferable, but I suppose I''ll have to settle for just any ol'' tie. :P

re: That Time of the YearMonday, May 07, 2007 - 9:44:32 AM

I''m sorry for the late reply here, Klet! *gloms* I hope your finals and paper writing are going well, and that you get through the torture with a minimum of crying and your sanity intact. (I mention crying b/c I did a lot of that back in the day when I was having to suffer through the finals thing. ^.~) I majored in History, so I know what you mean with regard to having a degree that is versatile, but, at the same time, hard to sell to employers. Also, I have a law degree and practiced for several years (I know ... hard to believe. =P), so if you would like to talk about law school, feel free to drop me a line anytime. I''m always here for you. *gloms and sends more energy vibes* ^.^

re: That Time of the YearTuesday, May 08, 2007 - 12:18:07 AM

Squee! Tex! *gloms*

I''ve got two more left--and they''re both tomorrow. Then, I''ve got to start thinking about cleaning up this mess of a room . . . I have to move back home for the summer! ;_;

Actually, since I started thinking about it I''ve been meaning to drop you a line about the law school thing. Once finals are over, I''ll have to! *hugs*

Just Two More.
