Keiti's Cel-ebration
Keiti's Little Weblog

A Happy Post
last modified: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 (8:47:07 PM)
Since my last post was a rant, I figured I should post something positive (and appearently shorter) this week. So, I had three very nice days of not working, I got to sleep in all day Sunday, I had a very nice Christmas, and I didn't get the usual after Christmas cold. Now that family members are gone, I also get to have a nice long hot shower and I do not have to worry about a lack of the hot water. My Steelers have made it a much less painful year to be a fan then last year was (though I know in my heart that they could still find a way to blow it). Finally, my kitty is as cute, fluffy, and psychotic as always. So Yay me!!! ^_^