Rambling Muses

Anniversary Update
last modified: Sunday, April 30, 2006 (12:44:35 AM)
I can't believe it's been a little over 2 years since I first created my RS gallery. Many thanks go out to Jason for doing such a great job setting up the site and to all the Mods for helping him maintain it. Hmm...feels like it's time to kick-down another donation.

Though I've been collecting anime artwork for about 4 years, it's really only been during the last year and a half that I've been able to acquire some "true" wishlist pieces. I've been very diligent, as well as pretty lucky. The hunt <u>is</u> the best part of collecting.

Unfortunately, it does seem that I've slowed down a bit. Yet, I know that I'll always have an interest in the hobby. I can't help it, the collector-bug is in my veins - <i>and I must obey!</i>