Dreamer's Diary

A story to delight those who wish ...
last modified: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 (6:33:57 PM)
... those who wish it were possible to go and kick the a** of some bidder who sniped an auction they *thought* they were winning! Extra delight for fans of Weiss Kreuz and Vampire Hunter D. Honestly though, no knowledge of either show is necessary to enjoy this story:


It's the work of Tex-chan *hugs!* so, you know it's good. One tiny, little warning: the main characters are the florists-by-day/assassins-by-night cuties of Weiss, and as Tex-chan points out, they aren't exactly choir boys. There's lots of swearing.

Anyone who's ever lost an auction at -- the -- last -- possible -- second, will certainly identify with Omi's angst and probably agree with the decision to do something about it that develops in the story.

So, go read already! And, if you like it, please let Tex-chan know by posting on her LJ here:

(hee, hee! Devilishly good deed for the day done, I'm outta here!)
re: A story to delight those who wish ...Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 6:37:15 PM

Ah I can understand those words quite well. Well I don''t mind snipers, I DO MIND those that purposely raise the bids of auctions so you either LOSE or PAY MORE. That I do mind, and would love to whomp the crap outta those people (at least I was notified by quite a few that it is illegal and legal action can be taken on it so it made me feel a lot better). Lovely story, and it''s by Texxie too! I miss her, wish she''d come back. :( Thanks for posting this! :)

re: A story to delight those who wish ...Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 7:28:15 PM

hehe Thank you for pointing us to that, kitt. It was great! I needed a good chuckle.