Dreamer's Diary

Zany Update
last modified: Saturday, November 05, 2005 (12:37:14 PM)
You guys know I'm unremittingly odd, right? If you didn't before, you're about to discover it now. Added today are two modest settei copy images of Dark from D-N-Angel, and 12 settei copy images from Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. What's so odd about that, you ask? In and of itself, nothing. Dark's images were even posted in a fairly normal way. It's just that I didn't want to just scan the VHD images and toss 'em up with the usual fan-girl gushing I'm so prone to. Sure, D is all that, but I imagine that it gets tedious after a while to read the same sort of gushing over and over again. Still, it <i>is</i> D and he deserves to be gushed over, so...

Imagine if you would, a photographer who is commissioned to conduct a photo shoot with D as her model. (At least that's what I did!) My zany results are posted in the gallery as "The Photo Shoot". Oh, and the gentleman who wanted the portfolio? Well, if you've read my fan fiction, it's the personage I tend to refer to as "Himself" -- D's dad. Uhm...yeah.

I mentioned that I am odd, didn't I? *slinks off to hide under a rock*
OMG!!!Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 2:56:34 PM

I don''t think I''ve ever enjoyed a gallery section so much!!! I have to make my husband read all that! He''ll love it too! Soooo funny!!!
Absolutely LOVE it!!!
And I love how he whipped off his pants for ya in the "glory shot"! LMAO!

re: Zany UpdateSaturday, November 05, 2005 - 5:45:53 PM

Eeep! I replied to your beta thread, but forgot to leave a comment in here. I love the settei update. The VHD section was perfect, and such a creative way to display them. It was tons of fun browsing through there and reading all the comments. You had me giggling the whole way through. Great job! *runs off to click on special Yue cels some more* (are you sensing I''m obsessed or anything? Nah ... not me. *evil grin*)