Been a While...
last modified: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 (1:31:07 AM)
Indeed...a while too long in my opinion. I've been keeping an eye on cels here and there throughout the year...but overall I've been quiet. Got fired from my family-operated job due to family friction, had to return my job-owned car, listed our house for sale, decluttered, started my own business, The Treasure Finders (eBay consignments), and started working as a consultant for Cookie Lee jewelry (love it!!!), I turned 25, my son turned 4, and have really worked on my friendships and relationships and personal self. Definately a crazy year...probably the craziest one yet (though I'm sure there will be more in my future).
I miss you guys here at Rubberslug and Beta. I'm hoping next year will bring a little calmer time to my life. Calm enough to go through and scan some cels and get re-involved! YEAH!