Fetish's Cel Gallery
Conversations withYou

November 1, 2004
last modified: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 (2:41:56 AM)
Well, this is a new thing for me...WEBLOG. Let's see how it goes!
Randomly talking about the gallery here...I've been searching methodically through everyone's misc. and unkown sections both looking for fencer & armitage, but also to help ID cels for people. So far I've found about 5 unkown fencer cels! Yah! and a couple of Armitage cels.

Thanks to some posting here and there, I've had 750 visitors-yah! I think I had 23 in the past year. And in the past month I've had 725 more come through! WOW...I guess uploading the cels really makes a difference.

Screen shots...are those really just digital images of your TV? For the time being that's what they are at my site. If you know of a better/easier way...PLMK!

As every collector will tell is bound to happen...I've overspent (and I'm not done!). But I've been bombarded with offers of my wishlist cels. WHY?!? :) Okay, really-no complaints.

I don't really know why anyone looks at my Fencer of Minerva cels...I've yet to meet another person on the planet who has seen it. No one has even heard of it! Of course, being a hentai might contibute to that.

Well, enough for now...