More Thoughts on Acetate Addiction
last modified: Thursday, July 07, 2005 (12:36:33 PM)
Well you two, I've always kept an eye on your two...since I have to attribute so much to you! I found Anime-beta because of you...and you actually re-kindled my interested in cels (thanks for the HUGE boost in my collection!)
Rather interesting...because I feel I am paralelling you in so much! We still have our site (still empty! LOL)...and we are constantly trying to par down our collection due to overspending.
I don't guys are so friendly and nice. Thank you for the Mezzo cels you sold me last month! (still not on my site, though).
I don't know...this pattern of buying...buying bigger...selling...selling more...seems to be a norm for cel collecting.
How many other people are going through this cycle??
marie :)