Hey I'm back for an update!
last modified: Saturday, December 15, 2007 (8:11:11 PM)
Its been a while since I last updated...several months to be exact....Doesnt mean I stopped buying.
I've been very busy in school and stuff, Now i'm finally on my winter break until January 8th!
So I took the time to scan a ton of stuff thats been wasting away in my books...
A lot of cool stuff too, several new series Black Cat, Deathnote, Gunslinger Girl, Fruits Basket(other stuff).
As well as some new stuff in fullmetal alchemist, Case Closed, and Giant Robo.
I had a lot of this stuff scanned already and then my computer died and all was lost...My heart was broken and when I finally got a computer again I didnt have the energy to scan it all again.
Having to reinstall all the drivers for the scanner. But I did get this interesting scanning program that came with the scanner.
It is really pretty cool! It scans a preview first and then it tells you what it is, then scans it.
Some side effects are that it crops it automatically which can be good and bad...It also made my sketches look a lot more ink like or photocopyish..
Still pretty cool. Noting feels so good as a job well done. And speaking of which...
I finished my semester at school. Straight A's!! best i've ever done ever! I am so getting a deans list certificate this year!
I've never been more confident now!
Another thing I did last month(November 18) is I went to L.A. Hollywood! by myself at night...to see a concert. But it wasnt just any concert it was Puffy AmiYumi live and in person.
Thankfully I wasnt robbed or anything(unless you count that cab driver who charged me more for the ride then the ticket to the concert!)But the concert was great and I got back safely. And with an autograph...hmm...I should have scanned that too....
Well now that i've got all that out of my system I got to put these cels and sketches back into their baggies and books ;_; and then maybe I can eat...
Hope you all enjoyed my few...long paragraphs about where i've been the past few months...SCHOOL
But now that its over i'm so bored...I miss school
Talk to you all later
Have a great holiday! and Happy Late Thanksgiving!