Eddie's Cels and Sketches
Web Blog

I Makin' Pizza!
last modified: Sunday, December 03, 2006 (12:09:47 AM)
Ok....well not really making.....actually made......

I did make it.....But i did it yesterday....but decided to post it today. So

Check out the pictures.


Just start on the bottom right hand corner and work your way backwards....

re: I Makin'' Pizza!Sunday, December 03, 2006 - 1:15:03 AM

Damn that looks good! Do you use mozzarella cheese? I hear smoked provolone adds a lot of flavor. Apparently all of the best pizza places use it. I actually used to make pizza for a living when I was a teenager. Good times. *gets nostalgic* Anyway, I love seeing pictures of food and cooking. Very cool! ^_^

re: I Makin'' Pizza!Sunday, December 03, 2006 - 1:37:40 AM

Thanks wc, I enjoyed making it.

Thats awesome you use to make them. Did you work for someone?(pizza hut maybe)

Smoked Provolone. I may have to try that next time(as soon as i find out what it is....)

I did use mozzarella cheese mmmm....

re: I Makin'' Pizza!Sunday, December 03, 2006 - 11:52:16 AM

I actually worked at a movie theatre for a few years. They had an eatery type thing where they specialized in pizza. I always made the best pizza because I ignored my boss and piled on the ingredients. When ever I make food, I always make it with myself in mind. I make the food how I''d like to eat it personally. Heheh =B

Oprah recently did an entire show about pizza and they did a national survey. The best, most "hole-in-the-wall" places used smoked provolone. It''s a type of cheese you can get at the grocery store. I have not been fortunate enough to try this cheese on a pizza yet, but the recommendations for it seem positive.

re: I Makin'' Pizza!Monday, December 04, 2006 - 11:06:17 AM

damn that makes me hungry!! but, i cant leave campus!! ~_~ I must study!! ;_; me want pizza... sniffles