last modified: Friday, December 16, 2005 (8:39:07 PM)
Ok i got some scans, but the problem is they are too big and wont work. Any suggestions? Other than that I graduated High School Today, and i mean exactly today! 12/16/05 Yeah!!!
re: New
Friday, December 16, 2005 - 9:57:03 PM
Hiya Eddie,
Congrats on the graduation!!!!
Email me with the info on your scanned pics and I''ll try to help resize them for you if I can.
re: New
Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 12:50:07 AM
Congrats on the graduation! ^_^
Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 3:33:45 AM
If you have Microsoft Photo Editor, you can pull up the picture, select "Image", then "Resize".
Go to the bottom right of the pop up box and change the "units" in the drop down menu to "pixels", then change the pixel size to something around 700 pixels for width (let the height fill in automatically). Then click OK, then "save as" and make a new name (I usually just tack on an "a" to the original name). And voila! Uploadable size. ^_^
Of course, it might be easier to just let Roy do it for you. ~_^
He''s a really great guy. He won''t, like, sell your scans online for profit or anything. <.< XD