Krafty's Kritique

It's not that I don't care...
last modified: Thursday, May 10, 2007 (11:40:26 AM)
As you will have noticed over the last 6 months, my pressence in the cel community has been lacking. I've not updated the site and visits to the forums have been sporadic to say the least.

This is due to other interests and things going on in my life, which I'm sure many of you can relate to. I'm now spending more time researching the music I love and updating my MP3 player with the tunes I buy and the new car purchase 6 weeks ago had diverted my attention away from animation artwork.
It was jsut last week that I finally got my car's sound system up 'n running after some faulty equipment and wrong sized speakers made this project lag. It's really satisfying to finally have the big sounds in my motor; I'm looking forward to hearing more of the CDs I love booming from the sub! ;)
Plus I've been pimping up the motor with chrome mouldings, facias and graphics which is superb fun- it'd be rude NOT to, *heh*

As a longer term 'distraction' my girlfriend and her daughters are my priority and I'm happy about that. It means that the art updates will continue to move at a slow pace even though the intake of new pieces shows no sign of deminishing!

RS is still my homepage so I check out the new additions with delight each day. Am I giving up cel collecting? OH NO! I just find that scanning and adding new graphics takes a lot of energy, something I'm left with very little of at the end of each day, LOL.

I'm still pleased to converse with friends and keep my hand in with the cel activities and goings on, so don't think that I'm trying to avoid anyone.

I wanted to post this message for those who have appreciated my collection over the years and to everyone who's already nudged me into showing the artwork I own. Don't fret, more WILL follow but I can't guarantee when ^__^

re: It''s not that I don''t care...Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 1:11:46 PM

Good to know you''re still around, and that things are going well in your life. Now ... all you need to do is update all that wonderful Virus artwork you have hanging around. ^.~ Congrats on the new car and sound system.

re: It''s not that I don''t care...Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 1:39:54 PM

Nice to see that you still around. I was wondering what happend to you and your updates. Sounds like you really have some good things going on. ^_^
Keep in touch!


re: It''s not that I don''t care...Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 4:09:02 PM

Yeah, I''m right with ya there on the "very little energy at the end of each day"!
I still haven''t unearthed my scanner, and taking pictures and merging and animating with that... well quite frankly, sucks. <.<

Good to know you''re still enjoying life and its pleasures. ~_^

re: It''s not that I don''t care...Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 4:13:54 PM
Wendy guys just all need to get your butts in gear and get them back on Beta, dammit!.
I feel way to alone there!

Good to see you post again Krafty, even though it is ''just'' here ^_~

re: It''s not that I don''t care...Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 11:22:54 PM

He lives! ~_^ Look forward to your next update whenever it may be!

re: It''s not that I don''t care...Friday, May 11, 2007 - 7:26:04 AM

Glad to see that you are still around and doing so well! I have been barely around myself as a pile of real life stuff and work is taking my time too. (Once we have everything finalized, I can tell you exactly what it is I''ve been doing. Until then, I don''t want to jinx everything.) Anyway, glad to hear your valentine sweetie is still in the picture (though I noticed the car was mentioned first! jk :D ) Don''t disapear, ok?

re: It''s not that I don''t care...Friday, May 11, 2007 - 9:57:46 AM

I still owe you an email. I''m glad you''re still alive and kicking ^_~ You''re not around for some of the same reasons I''m not around as much either. Glad to know you''re planning big updates in the future. Enjoy life, cels will always be there waiting for your return =)

re: It''s not that I don''t care...Thursday, June 28, 2007 - 11:29:28 PM

I think just about everyone is having a hard time with things these days especially within the past 3 years. A lot of things weight heavily with family situations, jobs, money, etc it takes away from the time we used to spend relaxing and collecting cels. I hope you take it easy and eventually get all you want even if it takes time to get it.