B.O.'s Broken Heart or Motivation to Update the Gallery
last modified: Thursday, December 15, 2005 (1:52:02 PM)
Well, I've been hanging out with a girl for like the past month and on the night I was going to tell her my feelings for her, she told me "Guess What? I might be having a boyfriend soon." Which shattered my world. I never told her how I felt and I'm not sure if it's right to do it now. Probably not.
But, on the positive side of things. It's motivated me... since I have nothing else to do as soon as finals are over, to finish updating the gallery. I'm not sure how many more cels there are... at least 3 or 4 if not more, but I will be adding them soon. I'm also currently accepting offers on the SSJ Goku fighting Buu and/or Kid Buu fighting Vegeta. I could use extra cash for the holidays... but the offers have to be pretty good (I haven't received but one that I MIGHT consider).
If you interested mail me at daniel@pastatdude.com with the offer. I'm willing to sell either for the $150-250 range just so you know what i'm looking for. Best offer wins.
Well anyway, anyone have any advice? I've had a similar situation with a girl happen to me before and I tried to stay friends. Later on when I told her how I felt she layed down the "Friends" line on me. I hate to just stop being her friend. Maybe just "distant friends" or more of an acquitence. I don't know!
Anyway, that's what's new. Happy Holidays people!