The B.O. Blog

Lazyness ... M-must Over... Come It...
last modified: Friday, December 02, 2005 (12:02:22 AM)
Ok, I have more cels to update with. And I plan on it... it's just taking awhile due to my sheer lazyness. I'm actually waiting on one to arrive, but the rest I'm just too lazy to take pictures of. Yes, still no scanner. I'm too poor (and cheap) to buy a new one.

Ok, well, I promise that BEFORE CHRISTMAS I will update with the rest! lol. Maybe a Christmas Eve update? I dunno! lol.

Oh and guess what. I'm going to Vegas between Dec. 7th-10th to appear as an extra in Rocky 6. Kinda crazy eh? Hope the movie doesn't wind up sucking. Anyway, just thought I'd write in the blog. I hadn't done it in awhile and I had nothing better to do. Hmm. Yeah, that's all I have to say!

re: Lazyness ... M-must Over... Come It... Friday, December 02, 2005 - 12:59:50 AM

Well, photos are the next best thing if you don''t have a scanner. Shame on you for being too lazy to update! tsk! =P hehe, just kidding. That''s really cool about being an extra! Even if the movie sucks, you''re still going to be a teeny bit famous. Pretty damn sweet. Let us know how it goes ^_~

re: Lazyness ... M-must Over... Come It... Friday, December 02, 2005 - 6:29:10 AM
birdie backgrounds?

re: Lazyness ... M-must Over... Come It... Friday, December 02, 2005 - 10:25:42 AM

Overcome that lazyness already! I wanna see those cels! :P

Congrats on the extras thing too, always wanted to give that a go as it certainly sounds like fun! How did you get into it? Anyway hope it all goes well and you get some screen time!