Delusions & Musings

Not closing up afterall!
last modified: Sunday, March 13, 2005 (4:18:49 PM)
So my lovely Jen has been fired from the oppressive corporation in question. So now I now longer have to worry about what they are and are not reading/looking at that involves her/us becasue I can not say whatever I want. However I will not name the corporation becasue now that she's lost the job she can safely persue a lawsuit based on the discrimination she's felt the entire time she's been there. Meanwhile though we still have to figure out how to eat and pay for mortgage payments which suck, a lot but, I'd way rather be poor and free to have my own personal thoughts again than have the money and be under the thumb of an oppressive corporation.(one that I don't even work for I'd like to add!)

re: Not closing up afterall!Sunday, March 13, 2005 - 5:42:33 PM

Sue them...sue them, be rich and buy all your friends hats...

THAT is closure my dear...

Hats?Sunday, March 13, 2005 - 6:13:16 PM

I don''t want to be rich so much as I want the company to stop it''s shady business practices. Ill be happy to buy you a nice hat though ...let me...see a nice pimp hat for you maybe? purple velvet with a big feather? and a yak on the side? heh heh heh heh

Well YAY, um BOO, um...Sunday, March 13, 2005 - 7:39:46 PM

Yay for the resumption of somewhat free speech! And a resounding BOO for getting fired before Jen could quit.
YAY for the gallery staying open!
And BOO having to pay mortgages...
Pasta is cheap... ;) When my husband was going to college again, I swear we lived off of mac-n-cheese, and ramen on sale.
I hope things don''t get too tight for you! Being poor sucks, but being free is worth it.
*HUGS to you both*

WHOOHOO!!Sunday, March 13, 2005 - 8:02:06 PM

YAY!! I''m so happy you guys are staying around, after all. The cel world wouldn''t have been the same without your updates, fun beta entries, and wonderful weblogs. But... I am so sorry Jen got fired. That totally sucks! Corporate America is heartless and has a whole "village mob" mentality ... "burn the monster ... burn the monster". Heh ... they should look around and realize they are the monsters. Anyhow, I am sorry it came to getting fired, and especially for the reasons it seems they did it. But, what people say or do in their own homes is no one''s business, and I''m so happy you guys are free, once again. Good luck to you, if you decide to pursue things further!