Delusions & Musings

Phase 2 Almost done!
last modified: Saturday, June 04, 2005 (9:14:05 AM)
We've almosted sold and traded all of the cels we wanted to from our gallery! Yay we only have a few cels left in our looking for home section now here and on our site for sale. double yay! So it looks like we've pretty much completed phase 2 of our gallery cleaning process. Now to move into the fun part, Phase 3, the new collecting phase.
I think we're going to have to stall on that part for a bit though until we get some more income coming our way. Which is quite annoying as there have been some simply breathtaking cels on YJ lately and we haven't been after to go after a single one :( There's at least one shot up right now I personally want so much I could just cry about it. I suppose that means I've gotten too addicted to the hobby.^_~

We just don't have the cash to spend on cels right now though as we're trying to save some cash for another car, some home improvements that are really needing to be done and to send Jen back to school. Add all those expenses to our normal mortgage and bills and cel spending just isn't an option. :(

We can't complain too much though as we do have a beavy of beauties in very stages of being on their way to us. We have a payment plan to finish up, a few sitting at the deputy waiting to be shipped, one coming from Japan eventually and a trade that should be on it's way pretty quick. It's kind of weird though becasue we haven't acutally bought anything in like 2 months the ones on their way we're all bought prior and are just aren't here yet and the payment plan one has been in the works for quite sometime. I kind of miss when we used to update almost everyday. On the other hand I think in the waitng comes a lot more quality. This way we can only afford a cel every month or two so that way we make sure it's something we really love before buying it becasue if something else comes a long in a short period of time we simply have to deal without it.

Anyway hopefully all the cels I talked about earlier will be in by the end of this month and we can get an update done by then. So look forward to it. It will all be lovely stuff. ^_^

YAY!!! Saturday, June 04, 2005 - 8:43:36 PM

Onward to the fun part!!! :D
Yeah, I''ve been buying less as well. And I miss the days of something new in the mail every week. But, *sigh*, yeah, ''tis rarer, but beautiful!
Good luck on making all the ends meet, and get a little bit left over for some wonderful cels! ^^